To add your employees to your team, you'll use "Worker Search" from the Employer Module following the steps below: (Note: Links for all items are noted in the Important Links article in the Knowledge Base)

  • Select Worker Search 
  • If you have the employee email or ID
    • Enter the employees email or ID then select Search
    • Select the returned row
    • Select  "+Teams" and select desired Team
    • Select Submit to add the employee to your Team

  • If you do not have the employee email or ID, you can use the Advanced Search option
    • Select "Don't have ID or Email" option under search bar
    • Enter employee information for search - a list of possible matches will be returned
    • Select row for employee
    • In order to add an employee using Advanced Search, you will need to provide one piece of additional personal info - Email, Mobile Number or Postal Code


  • Employees may register in SkillsPass using their Personal Emails
  • Employees will be notified when they are added to your team